Smoke Alarms

We Install Smoke Alarms in Townsville

Uphold Safety Standards

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Meet Your Safety Obligations

Per Queensland law, your property must be fitted with properly-functioning smoke alarms. At GSA Group, we offer Townsville smoke alarm installations. You can rely on us to provide modern photoelectric systems that will instantly respond when excessive smoke is detected. With GSA Group, you can ensure safety obligations are met at your commercial, industrial or domestic premises. 

When was the last time you had your smoke alarm updated? After ten years, alarms are prone to malfunction. At GSA Group, we can promptly replace your outdated system so you can enjoy complete peace of mind. Interconnected smoke alarms for new and existing properties are available, and our technicians will ensure thorough tests are carried out. 

Contact GSA Group today to arrange a Townsville smoke alarm installation. You can reach us on (07) 4728 2974.

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Advantages of Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

There is a reason photoelectric smoke alarms are preferred for homes and businesses. Here are just a few reasons why: 

  • They contain no radioactive components 
  • They can rapidly detect smouldering fires, giving more crucial time to react 
  • They reduce the number of false alarms (they are less likely to go off, for example, when there is steam or smoke resulting from regular cooking in the kitchen) 
  • They are extremely long-lasting 

Contact us today to arrange a photoelectric smoke alarm installation in Townsville or surrounds.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the signs of a malfunctioning smoke alarm?

    If the alarm is going off for no reason, chirping randomly, or excessively sensitive, a fault is likely present. We recommend calling a qualified technician as soon as possible if you expect a malfunction. It could just save your life.

  • Can smoke alarms expire?

    Yes. The average lifespan for a modern smoke alarm is approximately a decade. After this, we recommend having a professional replace it.

  • What type of smoke alarms are required in Queensland?

    According to Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, all smoke alarms must be photoelectric, hardwired or 10-year tamper proof battery powered. They are also required to be interconnected and installed on each storey, in each bedroom and in hallways or the most likely path of travel to exit the dwelling.

  • How often do smoke alarms need to be replaced?

    Smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years or sooner if they no longer function properly. Over time, the sensitive components within a smoke alarm can degrade, making it less effective at detecting smoke.

  • Can I install my own smoke alarms?

    You can install your own smoke alarms, but it’s recommended to consult with a professional for proper installation. Smoke alarms should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and local building codes. Improperly installed smoke alarms may not function correctly in the event of a fire, putting you and your household at risk.

  • What should I do if my smoke alarm is beeping?

    If your smoke alarm is beeping, it’s usually an indicator that the battery needs to be replaced. Replace the battery as soon as possible to ensure that the smoke alarm is functioning properly. If the beeping continues after replacing the battery, the smoke alarm may need to be repaired or replaced.

  • Which is better: hardwired or battery smoke detectors?

    Both hardwired and battery smoke detectors have their own advantages. Hardwired smoke detectors are always powered and provide continuous protection, even in the event of a power outage. On the other hand, battery smoke detectors are portable and can be placed anywhere, making them a good choice for areas where a power source may not be available. It’s recommended to have a combination of both types of smoke detectors in your home for the best protection.

  • What are photoelectric smoke alarms?

    Photoelectric smoke alarms are fire safety devices that detect smoke using a photoelectric sensor. They emit a loud sound when smoke is detected, alerting people to evacuate the building. These alarms are generally more effective at detecting smoky, slow-burning fires.

  • What are some advantages of photoelectric smoke alarms?

    Photoelectric smoke alarms are preferred for homes and businesses because they contain no radioactive components, rapidly detect smouldering fires, reduce the number of false alarms and are long-lasting.

  • How often should smoke alarms be tested?

    Smoke alarms should be tested monthly, and the batteries should be replaced at least once a year.

  • Can smoke alarms be interconnected?

    Yes—smoke alarms, including photoelectric smoke alarms, can be interconnected so that when one alarm sounds, all the others will sound too. This increases the chances of being alerted to a fire, even if the fire is in a different part of the home.

  • How should I maintain my smoke alarm?

    Dust and debris can interfere with their operation, so clean and dust your smoke alarm regularly. 

  • What should I do if my smoke alarm sounds?

    If your smoke alarm sounds, stay calm and evacuate everyone from the property immediately, then call the fire department from a safe location. If there’s smoke, cover your nose and mouth and keep close to the floor when evacuating. Do not attempt to fight the fire, disable the smoke alarm or investigate the source of the smoke. Once you are safely outside, do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by the fire department. If it’s unsafe to leave your room or building, close doors to keep smoke out and call triple zero (000). 

  • What to do for a false alarm?

    In the case of a false alarm, such as from cooking smoke, bathroom steam or insect infestations, open your windows or doors to clear the air and reset the smoke alarm. Speak to an expert for advice if you’re experiencing frequent false alarms. 

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